Friday, November 6, 2009


Soooo happy that Friday is once again here! So my little man was so happy to wear his new John Deere shirt we picked up at the Fair last weekend. Hahaha, he's so cute!
Always talking about how other kids at school have them and he wanted one. I remember how it used to be...the need/want to fit in. Oh and not to be outdone, one of my most fav pics from the fair, little fairy Lexi. :)Love those kids!

So this weekend I am going to sit around the house and catch up on two weeks of my favorite tv shows. I started last night...Flash Foward. Good epi's. This weekend i'll catch up on Sons of Anarchy, Star Gate Universe, Sanctuary, Dexter, oh and I have all of season 2 of House to watch as well. :) The kids and I have no pending activities for the weekend. Thank goodness! So tv catching it is!! Of course it will be broken up w/ outside jaunts and playtime. Until next time...I have to go and pull a report. Take care!

1 comment:

  1. oh yeah, that show eastwick got cxld so stop watching it and start watching V!!
